Tuesday, June 7, 2011

SQL Compact Query Analyzer

I’ve been working extensively on enterprise mobility projects lately. These applications integrate into large SAP based systems and when testing the system it can get very tedious to set up some temporary data from the backend. I’m also working with some not-so-technical testers that get intimidated by the Visual Studio or the SQL Server Management Studio. This led me to writing an open source project called SQL Compact Query Analyzer

Here’s some details I pulled directly off the CodePlex site

Project Description
SQL Server Compact Edition Database Query Analyzer


- Create new database
- Automatically refresh database upon executing create/alter/drop table queries
- Displays database information (database version, filename, size, creation date)
- Displays schema summary (number of tables, columns, primary keys, identity fields, nullable fields)
- Displays the information schema views
- Displays column information (database type, clr type, max length, allows null, etc)
- Displays index information (column name, is unique, is clustered)
- Execute SQL Queries against a SQL Server Compact Edition database
- Execute multiple SQL queries (delimited by a semi colon ;)
- Easily edit the contents of the database
- Display query result as XML
- Shrink and Compact Databases
- SDF file association with SQL Compact Query Analyzer for launching directly by opening the SDF in Windows Explorer
- Displays thumbnails for IMAGE fields
- Generates Schema and Data Scripts
- Supports password protected databases
- Supports SQLCE 3.0, 3.1, 3.5 and 4.0

Coming Soon:
- Purge database content
- Create, edit, and drop tables UI
- Create, edit, and delete table references and indexes UI
- Support for SQL Server Compact Edition 2.0


- Displays database and schema information and executes multiple SQL queries directly

- Edit the table data directly

- Display the contents of IMAGE fields

- Performance numbers for queries

- Query errors

- Output result set as XML

- Create new database

- Shrink, compact, script database

- .NET Framework 4.0

Check it out! You might find it useful!